NumWords for Room is wrong...

NumWords for Room is wrong...

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Posted by Jean Luc Picard on February 27, 2000 at 03:11:23:

Or at least by my calculations. I'm working with Level1.PHD from TR1. I load the textures and then proceed to load the rooms. Just to double check, I was calculating what the offset should be after reading the first room by comparing the "total number of words" in the room field to the actual offset after reading the room with all the different field offsets.

Here is how I calculated briefly. I read in 0xa79 as the number of words at offset 0xb0020. 0xa79 * 2 = 14f2 + b0022 = b1514. After reading in the room, my offset is 0xb1928.

Is the documentation simply wrong, or what is up? It's not just a couple of bytes that it's off. We're talking about a ~1K difference. Or am I simply reading it wrong?







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