RenderWare V2.1

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RwDepthCueColor *

RwCreateDepthCueColor(RwReal red, RwReal green, RwReal blue)

RwDepthCueColor *

RwCreateDepthCueColorStruct(RwRGBColor *rgb)


Create a color to be used for depth cueing.


red Red component of the color in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

green Green component of the color in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

blue Blue component of the color in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

rgb red green and blue in a structure.

Return Value

The depth cue color if successful, and NULL otherwise.


This function creates a copy of the internal palette mapping tables. This mapping requires a fairly hefty matching process. For this reason, creating a depth cue color should not be performed where performance is critical. Normally, the palette creates ramps of a color so that the less luminance a color has the closer its color gets toward black.

This function will create a palette mapping table where the less luminance a color has moves towards the depth cue color.

To use this depth cue color set it with RwSetDepthCueColor().

NOTE: Depth cueing now works in 16 bit in addition to 8 bit mode.

See Also





