RenderWare V2.1

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RwGetSystemInfo(RwSystemInfo info, void *value, RwInt32 size);


Retrieves information about an aspect of the RenderWare system. The particular aspect of system configuration to query is given by info.


info Aspect of RenderWare system configuration to query.

value Pointer to a buffer to receive the result of the query. The actual data type of value is dependent on the value of info.

size Size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by value.

Return Value

TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise.


The value parameter for each system information type is as follows:

• rwVERSIONSTRING A pointer to an array of characters which will receive a version string of the form "NN.nn rel". Where "NN" is the major version number of the RenderWare library being used, "nn" is the minor version number and "rel" is a string identifying the release. For example, "2.0 FCS".

• rwVERSIONMAJOR A pointer to an RwInt32 which will receive the major version number of the RenderWare library being used.

• rwVERSIONMINOR A pointer to an RwInt32 which will receive the minor version number of the RenderWare library being used.

• rwVERSIONRELEASE A pointer to an array of characters which will receive a string identify the particular release of the RenderWare library being used.

• rwFIXEDPOINTLIB A pointer to an RwBool which will be non-zero if the RenderWare library uses fixed point arithmetic, and zero if the library uses floating point arithmetic.

• rwDEBUGGINGLIB A pointer to an RwBool which will be non-zero if a debugging RenderWare library is being used, and zero if a retail library is being used.

size gives the size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by value. For example, to retrieve the RenderWare version string the following would be used:

char verStr[80];
RwGetSystemInfo(rwVERSIONSTRING, verStr, sizeof(verStr));

See Also

