RenderWare V2.1

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RwOpen(char *devname, void *param);


devname The device name is a null-terminated string. Names currently supported under MS DOS are :


The "NullDevice" driver allows the library to be used when output to a display is not required (for instance, when reading from or to files).

"DOSMOUSE" will open the library with the mouse driver active. This will mean that the library can only be accessed if a Microsoft compatible mouse driver is not required.

"DOS" performs the same function as "DOSMOUSE" except the mouse is not accessed, and so a mouse driver is not required.

param param should be set to a pointer to a RwInt32. If the library does not open, then the RwInt32 pointed to will be set to one of the following symbols;


Unable to access the video mode requested.


No VESA BIOS is available, install a VESA TSR for your video card.


The VESA BIOS is not a recent enough release to be usable. (must be 1.0 or greater).


No Microsoft mouse driver found.

These symbols are located in rwdos.h header file.


RwOpen() parses the RenderWare initialization file dosrw.ini as described in "RenderWare Library Configuration"