
3D Game Comparison - Game vs. game. No hype; just facts.™

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3D Game Comparison statistics

  • 2,102 total pages (Includes "talk" pages, pages about 3D Game Comparison, minimal "stub" pages, redirects, and others that probably don't qualify as content pages. Excluding those, there are 659 pages that are probably legitimate content pages.)
  • 1 uploaded files
  • 5,712,183 page views
  • 3,510 page edits
  • 1.67 average edits per page, 1,627.40 views per edit

User statistics

  • Registered users: 1 - 1 (100.00%) Admins

Most viewed pages

  1. Main Page‎ [91,852]
  2. Comparison table‎ [66,185]
  3. 3DGC:Design‎ [50,423]
  4. Template:game-‎ [45,838]
  5. 4x4 Evolution‎ [36,846]
  6. Half-Life²‎ [36,234]
  7. Form:Game‎ [25,834]
  8. action‎ [25,016]
  9. Wurm‎ [24,022]
  10. Category:objects‎ [19,753]
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